Araneomorphae - Haplogynae

Araneomorphae - Haplogynae


The Araneomorphs comprise the majority of spiders. In these spiders the fangs are convergent and thus usually cross or come close to crossing. In addition, there is usually only one pair of book lungs (exception Hypochilidae) and a tracheal opening is present. In most araneomorphs this spiracle is located just anterior to the spinnerets, but in the Anyphanidae the spiracle may be located near the middle or even in front of the middle of the ventral abdomen. Many species spin webs. All are predators.

Haplogyne Families


Hypochilus jemez   Catley

Size: Male 9.3 mm, female 11.5 mm
General Distribution: New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: San Miguel
Habitat: Caves, overhangs
Adults Collected: August and November
Notes: Inaccurately reported as H. bonnetti from Santa Fe County in Forster, et al. 1987. Known from only one cave.
Records: Catley 1994
Reference: Catley 1994


Filistatinella crassipalpis   (Gertsch)

General Distribution: Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Val Verde
Adults Collected:
Records: Vogel 1970
Reference: Vogel 1970

Filistatoides insignis   (O. Pickard-Cambridge)

General Distribution: Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Brewster
Adults Collected:
Records: Vogel 1970, Dean 1996
Reference: Vogel 1970, Dean 1996

Filistatidae Filistatoides insignis

Click on image to enlarge

Filistatoides   n. sp.

General Distribution: Southern New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Chaves, Doña Ana, Otero
Adults Collected:
Records: Muma 1975, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Muma 1975

Kukulcania arizonica   Chamberlin & Ivie) [= Filistata a.]

Size: Male 7 mm, female 15 mm
General Distribution: Southwest United States
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Pima, Yuma; NM: Doña Ana, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Otero; TX: Brewster, Presido, Terrell
Habitat: Webs under rocks and other debris
Adults Collected:
Notes: Collected at 2400-7850' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Muma 1980, Dean 1996, Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Muma 1980, Dean 1996, Roth 1996

Kukulcania hibernalis   (Hentz) [= Filistata h.]

General Distribution: Southern United States from Atlantic Coast to California
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Coconino, Maricopa, Pima, Yuma?; NM: Doña Ana; TX: Culberson, Jeff Davis, San Patricio
Habitat: Associated with human habitation; webs in cracks or under boards, etc.
Adults Collected:
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum. Distinction between these two species not evident.
Reference: Chamberlin & Ivie 1935, Gertsch 1935

SICARIIDAE (=Loxoscelidae, see Platnick et al. 1991:71) (8 Species)

Loxosceles apachea   Gertsch & Ennik

Size: 6-9 mm
General Distribution: Southeast Arizona, southern New Mexico and El Paso Co., Texas south into Chihuahua, Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise; NM: Doña Ana, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Otero, Sierra; TX: El Paso, Hudspeth
Habitat: Under rocks and trash
Adults Collected: April-September
Notes: The common violin spider of southern New Mexico
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, Dean 1996, Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, Dean 1996, Roth 1996


Click on image to enlarge

Loxosceles arizonica   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size:8-9 mm
General Distribution: Saguaro forest areas of Arizona to southeastern California
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Coconino, Gila, Graham, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz; NM: Doña Ana(probably introduced)
Habitat: Under rocks, trash and fallen cacti
Adults Collected: Every month of the year
Notes: The common violin spider of the saguaro forest; collected at 2700-4700' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Richman 1973, Gertsch & Ennik 1983, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Beatty 1961, Richman 1973, Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Sicariidae Loxosceles arizonica male

Click on image to enlarge

Loxosceles blanda   Gertsch & Ennik

Size: 7- 8 mm
General Distribution: West Texas and eastern New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Eddy; TX: Brewster, Jeff Davis, Presidio, Terrell, Val Verde
Habitat: Under rocks and in caves
Adults Collected:March- October
Notes: Common violin spider of West Texas and Pecos Valley of New Mexico
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Loxosceles deserta   Gertsch [= L. unicolor Keyserling in part]

Size:7.5 mm
General Distribution: Arizona and eastern California to southern Nevada and Utah, south into Baja California Norte, Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Pinal, Yavapai, Yuma; NM: Doña Ana (probably introduced)
Habitat: Under debris in dry desert
Adults Collected: Probably throughout year
Notes: Common violin spider of lower elevations in Arizona; collected at 2400-4750' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, Roth 1996

Loxosceles devia   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size: 8.5 mm
General Distribution: Southern and West Texas south to Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Terrell
Habitat: Under debris and in caves
Adults Collected: Probably throughout year
Notes: Common violin spider of south Texas; only found just west of the Pecos River in our region
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Loxosceles kaiba   Gertsch & Ennik

Size 7.5-:8.4 mm
General Distribution: Grand Canyon
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Coconino (Grand Canyon National Park)
Adults Collected: Probably throughout year
Notes: Very localized species
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Loxosceles reclusa    Gertsch & Mulaik

Size:8-9 mm
General Distribution: Central United States, S. to Texas and E. to Georgia, with scattered records west to southern California, south to Tamaulipas, north to Ontario and east to Maine and northern Florida
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima (Introduced); NM: Bernalillo (probably introduced) Chaves (probably introduced), Lea (may be native), Roosevelt (may be native)
Habitat: Dry areas in houses and under rocks
Adults Collected: Throughout year
Notes: This is the famous brown recluse spider, associated with necrotic arachnidism; the bite can produce serious consequences in rare cases
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983, and specimen from Portales identified by senior author, but not retained; specimens from Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Arthropod Museum, NMSU
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Sicariidae Loxosceles Reclusa

Click on image to enlarge

Loxosceles sabina   Gertsch & Ennik

Size :8.5 mm
General Distribution: SE Arizona
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima (Canyons of the Santa Catalina Mountains
Habitat: Under debris in dry desert
Adults Collected: Probably throughout year
Notes: Very localized species in Santa Catalina foothills and canyons
Records: Gertsch & Ennik 1983
Reference: Gertsch & Ennik 1983

Sicariidae Loxosceles sabina

Click on image to enlarge

SCYTODIDAE (4 Species at least)

Scytodes fusca   Walckenaer

Size: Male 4.5 mm, female about 6 mm
General Distribution: Florida, New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Doña Ana (probably introduced)
Habitat: Houses
Adults Collected: August
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum

Scytodes Fusca

Click on image to enlarge

Scytodes redempta   Chamberlin

General Distribution: Mexico, Arizona.
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Mohave
Adults Collected:
Notes: This record is based on a specimen photographed at Lake Havasu City

Scytodes univittata   Simon

General Distribution: Arizona to Texas, south to Baja California
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, NM: Doña Ana, TX: El Paso
Adults Collected:
Records: Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Rheims, et al. 2006

Scytodes Sp

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Scytodes zapatana   Gertsch & Mulaik

General Distribution: West Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Presidio
Habitat: Under rocks on bajada
Adults Collected:
Notes: This record is based on an immature collected at Big Bend Ranch State Park
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch & Mulaik 1940


Chisoneta chisosea   (Gertsch) [= Leptoneta chisosea  Gertsch]

Size: 1.5 mm
General Distribution: Texas, Chisos Mts.
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Brewster
Habitat: Detritus in ravine
Adults Collected: September
Notes: Only leptonetid known from Big Bend National Park
Records: Gertsch 1974, Dean 1996
Reference: Gertsch 1974, Dean 1996, Ledford et al. 2011

Ozarkia apachea   (Gertsch) [= Leptoneta apachea  Gertsch]

Size: 1.5 mm
General Distribution: Arizona, Chiricahua Mts.
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise
Habitat: Overhangs
Adults Collected: August
Notes: Only leptonetid known from Arizona
Records: Gertsch 1974, Roth 1996
Reference: Gertsch 1974, Roth 1996, Ledford et al. 2011

Tayshaneta valverdae   (Gertsch) [= Leptoneta valverdae  Gertsch]

Size: 1.5-1.55 mm
General Distribution: Texas, caves of Val Verde Co.
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Val Verde
Habitat: Caves
Adults Collected: January-April
Notes: Only leptonetid known from Val Verde Co., Texas
Records: Gertsch 1974
Reference: Gertsch 1974, Ledford et al. 2011

PHOLCIDAE (16 Species)

Artema atlanta   Walckenaer

Size: Male 9.4 mm, female 10.0 mm
General Distribution: Europe, Arizona
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima, Yuma
Habitat: Human habitations
Adults Collected:
Notes: Probably the largest of the pholcids found in the United States. Collected at 2400' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961). Apparently misreported from the Jornada Experimental Range in Doña Ana, NM by Fowler and Whitford (1985).
Records: Specimen in FSCA, Gainesville, FL, and in NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Beatty 1961, Brignoli 1981

Holocnemus pluchei   (Scopoli)

General Distribution: Mediterranean, Europe, Western United States
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Doña Ana
Habitat: Human habitations
Adults Collected: Probably all year
Notes: An aggressive araneophage that tends to take over wood piles, houses and sheds, displacing most other web-builders

Pholcophora americana   Banks

General Distribution:
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Cibola, Los Alamos
Adults Collected:
Records: Gertsch 1982
Reference: Gertsch 1982

Pholcophora diluta   Gertsch & Mulaik

General Distribution: Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Brewster
Adults Collected:
Records: Gertsch & Mulaik 1940, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996
Reference: Gertsch & Mulaik 1940, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996

Physocyclus enaulus   Crosby [= P. neomexicanus]

Size: Male 4.2 mm, female 5.5 ± 1.33 mm
General Distribution: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise; NM: Bernalillo, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Rio Arriba; TX: Brewster, Culberson, El Paso, Jeff Davis, Pecos, Presido, Terrell, Val Verde
Adults Collected: Year-round
Records: Vogel 1970, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Muma 1980, Valdez Mondragon 2010
Reference: Vogel 1970, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Muma 1980, Valdez Mondragon 2010

Physocyclus Enaulus

Click on image to enlarge

Physocyclus globosus   (Taczanowski)

Size: Male nearly 5.0 mm, female near 6.0 mm
General Distribution: Widely distributed
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Doña Ana
Habitat: Usually associated with humans
Adults Collected:
Reference: Valdez Mondragon 2010

Physocyclus hoogstrali   Gertsch

Size: Male 5.4 mm, female 6.75 mm
General Distribution: Texas and Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Val Verde
Adults Collected: February-July
Records: Vogel 1970
Reference: Vogel 1970, Valdez Mondragon 2010

Physocyclus tanneri   Chamberlin

Size: Male 5.1 mm, female 6.5 mm
General Distribution: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas; Mexico: Sonora
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Pima, Yuma
Adults Collected:
Notes: Collected at 2400-6700'in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996, Valdez Mondragon 2010
Reference: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996, Valdez Mondragon 2010

Psilochorus imitatus   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size: Male 2.70 ± 0.55 mm, female 2.86 ± 0.24 mm
General Distribution: 98th parallel to 112th parallel west, Montana to W. Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Cibola, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Hidalgo, Los Alamos, Quay, Sandoval, Socorro; TX: Brewster
Habitat: In animal burrows and under rocks
Adults Collected: Year-round
Records: Vogel 1970, Slowik 2009
References: Vogel 1970, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus pallidulus    Gertsch [= P. coahuilanus  Gertsch & Davis]

Size: Male 2.19 ± 0.12 mm, female 2.52 ± 0.32 mm
General Distribution: Southern Texas to Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Brewster
Adults Collected: Year-round
Records: Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009
References: Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus papago   Gertsch & Davis

Size: Male 2.54 ± 0.20 mm, female 2.46 ± 0.47 mm
General Distribution: Southern California, Arizona, western New Mexico into Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima
Adults Collected: April, November
Notes: Collected at 2400-3000' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Slowik 2009
References: Beatty 1961, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus pullulus   (Hentz)

Size: Male 2.36 &plusmn 0.32 mm, female 2.64 ± 0.32 mm
General Distribution: Eastern Kansas, east to Florida, north to Canada
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Bernalillo
Adults Collected:

Psilochorus redemptus   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size: Male 1.35 ± 0.49 mm, female 2.12 ± 0.18 mm
General Distribution: Southern Texas into Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Brewster, Jeff Davis
Adults Collected: September-May
Notes: Very similar to P. pullulus except for small size
Records: Gertsch & Mulaik 1940, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009
Reference: Gertsch & Mulaik 1940, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus rockefelleri   Gertsch

Size: Male 2.65 ± 0.27 mm, female 2.88 ± 0.18 mm
General Distribution: Arizona, New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Pima; NM: Catron, Grant
Adults Collected: Year-round
Notes: Collected at 2800-9100' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996, Slowik 2009
Reference: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus utahensis   Chamberlin

Size: Male 3.23 ± 0.04 mm, female 3.77 ± 0.55 mm
General Distribution: Southwestern US
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Coconino, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Yuma; NM: Hidalgo, Lincoln; TX: El Paso
Adults Collected: March-September
Notes: Collected at 2400-3000' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009
Reference: Beatty 1961, Gertsch & Riechert 1976, Dean 1996, Slowik 2009

Psilochorus   n. sp.

General Distribution:
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise
Adults Collected:
Records: Roth
Reference: Roth

DIGUETIDAE (4 Species)

Diguetia albolineata   (O. P.-Cambridge)

Size: 5.1-6.3 mm
General Distribution: Southwestern United States from S. California to West Texas, southward into Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Graham, Pima; TX: Brewster
Adults Collected: June-September
Notes: Collected at 2700-6700' in Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Gertsch 1958a, Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Roth 1996
Reference: Gertsch 1958a, Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Roth 1996

Diguetidae Diguetia albolineata

Click on image to enlarge

Diguetia canities    McCook

Size: 5-10 mm
General Distribution: Southwestern United States from California to S. Utah, east to Oklahoma and West Texas, S. into Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Coconino, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, Yavapai, Yuma: NM: Chaves, Doña Ana, Eddy, Hidalgo: TX: Brewster, El Paso, Hudspeth, Presidio, Terrell
Habitat: Webs between branches in tarbush, cactus and other shrubs
Adults Collected: June-December
Notes: Common "tube-web" spider with six eyes. Collected at 2700-4300' in Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961). Recorded as Diguetia canities mulaiki Gertsch in Hudspeth County, Texas.
Records: Gertsch 1958a, Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch 1958a, Beatty 1961, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, Roth 1996

Diguetia Canites

Click on image to enlarge

Diguetia imperiosa   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size: 9-10 mm
General Distribution: Southern Texas, west to Arizona and Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima; NM: Doña Ana; TX: Brewster, Terrell, Val Verde
Adults Collected: August-December
Records: Gertsch 1958a, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch 1958a, Vogel 1970, Dean 1996

Diguetia signata   Gertsch

Size: ca. 8 mm
General Distribution: Southern California to Nevada and New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Maricopa, Yuma; NM: Doña Ana
Habitat: Webs between branches of tarbush
Adults Collected: January-September
Records: Gertsch 1958a, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch 1958a


Kibramoa hermani   Chamberlin & Ivie

Size: 11.7 mm
General Distribution: AZ: Littlefield, Tsean cho (cave), Coconino (Grand Canyon Nat. Park), Oak Creek Canyon
Habitat: Caves
Notes: Large, long-legged species
Records: Gertsch 1958b
Reference: Gertsch 1958b

Kibramoa suprenans   (Chamberlin)

Size: 7.7-8 mm
General Distribution: California E. to Pima Co., AZ
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Pima
Notes: Much more slender than Plectreurys
Records: Gertsch 1958b
Reference: Gertsch 1958b

Kibramoa yuma   Gertsch

Size: 6.7-9.5 mm
General Distribution: Southern Arizona
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Maricopa (junction of Verde and Salt)?, Pima, Pinal (8 mi. N. of Roosevelt Dam)?, Yuma
Notes: Collected at 4800' in Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Gertsch 1958b, Beatty 1961
Reference: Gertsch 1958b, Beatty 1961

Plectreurys tristis   Simon

Size: 11-12 mm
General Distribution: Utah and Idaho S. into Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: Nearly throughout state of Arizona, including Cochise County
Habitat: Unkempt webs under cactus and trash
Adults Collected: January-October
Notes: Large black spider which may have a venomous bite; collected at 2800-4750' in Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Gertsch 1958b, Beatty 1961, Roth 1996, NMSU Arthropod Museum, FSCA collection
Reference: Gertsch 1958b, Beatty 1961, Roth 1996

Plectreurys   sp.

Size: >10 mm
General Distribution: SW Texas
Distribution in Area Covered: TX: Presidio
Habitat: Unkempt web under rock
Adults Collected: Immature collected in October and female raised from immature
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Gertsch 1958b

CAPONIIDAE (3 Species)

Orthonops gertschi   Chamberlin

Size: Male 3.01 mm, female 5.38 mm
General Distribution: Eastern California, Nevada, eastern Utah and northern Arizona
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Mohave
Habitat: Under rocks
Adults Collected: March-December
Records: Platnick 1995
Reference: Platnick 1995

Orthonops icenoglei   Platnick

Size: Male 3.38 mm, female 5.04 mm
General Distribution: Southeastern California, southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Maricopa, Pima, Yuma
Habitat: Under rocks
Adults Collected: January-June
Records: Platnick 1995
Reference: Platnick 1995

Caponiidae Orthonops icenoglei

Click on image to enlarge

Orthonops lapanus   Gertsch & Mulaik

Size: Male 4.19 mm, female 6.05 mm
General Distribution: Southeastern New Mexico, south Texas, and northeastern Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Eddy; TX: Brewster
Habitat: Under rocks
Adults Collected: January-February, May, August-September, November-December (probably all year)
Records: Platnick 1995
Reference: Platnick 1995

Caponiidae Orthonops Lapanus

Click on image to enlarge


Ariadna bicolor   (Hentz)

Size: Male 5-8 mm
General Distribution: Maine to Florida, W. to California
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Coconino; NM: Doña Ana; TX: Brewster
Habitat: Tube webs under rocks and in fissures in tree bark
Adults Collected:
Notes: Ariadna and Segestria are the only spiders in our area with the first three pairs of legs directed forwards
Records: Beatty 1970, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Beatty 1970

Ariadna pilifera   O. P.-Cambridge

Size: Female 9-15 mm
General Distribution: Southern Arizona to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Graham, Navajo, Pima
Habitat: Probably the same as A. bicolor
Adults Collected:
Records: Beatty 1970, Roth 1996
Reference: Beatty 1970, Roth 1996

Segestria   sp. (Possibly undescribed)

Size: ca. 7 mm
General Distribution: Known only from New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Sandoval
Adults Collected: June
Records: UNM collection
Reference: Chamberlin & Ivie 1935

DYSDERIDAE (1 Species)

Dysdera crocata   C. L. Koch

Size: ca. 10 mm
General Distribution: European species introduced into eastern United States, Texas and New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Bernalillo, Doña Ana
Habitat: Under rocks and trash in damp areas in association with terrestrial isopods (sowbugs)
Adults Collected:
Notes: This sowbug-eating spider may have a venomous bite. The very large, ice-tong-like fangs, reddish cephalothorax , gray abdomen and six eyes in a semicircle are diagnostic. Recent studies indicate that this spider is not as specialized in its feeding habits as once thought (Pollard, et al. 1995)
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum, UNM collection

Dysderidae Dysdera Crocata

Click on image to enlarge

OONOPIDAE (4 Species)

Escaphiella hespera   (Chamberlin)

Size: Both sexes about 1.5 mm
General Distribution: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, south to central Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Gila, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Yuma; NM: Bernalillo, Doña Ana
Adults Present:
Notes: Collected at 3200' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Platnick & Duperre 2009, FSCA collection, NMSU Arthropod Museum
Reference: Beatty 1961, Platnick & Duperre 2009

Oonopidae Escaphiella hespera

Click on image to enlarge

Gamasomorpha   n. sp.

Size: ca. 1 mm
General Distribution: Doña Ana Co., New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: NM: Doña Ana
Habitat: Under stones on bajadas
Adults Present:
Notes: Tiny, mite-like, orange-colored spiders with sclerotized abdomens
Records: NMSU Arthropod Museum, AMNH

Oonops   sp.

Size: ca. 1 mm
General Distribution: Southeastern Arizona?, southwest New Mexico
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise?, Pima?; NM: Hidalgo
Habitat: Under stones on bajadas
Adults Present: September
Notes: Tiny, mite-like, spiders; collected at 3200' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996
Reference: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996

Orchestina moaba   Chamberlin & Ivie

General Distribution: Southeastern Arizona
Distribution in Area Covered: AZ: Cochise, Pima
Adults Present:
Notes: Collected at 4400' in the Santa Catalina Mountains by Beatty (1961)
Records: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996
Reference: Beatty 1961, Roth 1996